Senior Heads West for Environmental Internship

Created: November 30, 2016  |  Last Updated: October 5, 2021  |  Category:   |标签: ,

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(11月. 30, 2016) - Hailing from the Bay Area, 华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) senior Patrick Fredrick knew it would be an incredible opportunity to head back west to San Francisco, one of the most energetic and tech-savvy cities in the United States, 为了暑期Internships. 的 environmental studies major earned a position as a marketing and outreach intern with the San Francisco Department of Environment’s (SFE) Energy Watch Program.

As one of the largest and most proactive environmental departments across the country, Patrick gained valuable experience at SFE, which addresses issues ranging from energy and climate to environmental justice, 绿色建筑, 减少有毒物质, 运输, 零浪费.

“SFE has become a creative center for many revolutionary environmental initiatives,帕特里克说, as part of their mission to make San Francisco 100 percent renewable. Founded in 2008, the Energy Watch Program is one of those initiatives. 的 Program aims to help upgrade commercial and residential buildings to energy efficient technology by providing incentives and services to make the transition easy and accessible for individuals, 公司, 和组织.

Working with the energy efficiency marketing outreach coordinator, 加布里埃尔Canez, Patrick worked to reduce energy consumption and lower the environmental footprint throughout the city. 通过电话, 电子邮件, 搁置事件, 街头拉票, Patrick reached out to office and residential buildings in the area to educate them on the incentives and advantages of becoming more energy efficient, including LED lighting and heating, 通风, and air-conditioning (HVAC) upgrades, which would not only help the city’s energy efficiency objectives but would save the building owners money on their energy bills. He then set goals for which outreach efforts would lead to energy efficiency upgrade projects.

Reflecting on his experience this summer, Patrick said it has motivated him to look for future careers in a similar field where he can continue tackling pressing environmental issues.

“My time spent as a marketing and outreach intern helped me gain valuable experience engaging with people, 社区, and 公司 in the city of San Francisco, enabling them to become more sustainable and efficient,帕特里克说. “I learned about the many factors and difficulties that influence implementing green initiatives and how to overcome different environmental issues in a time where pressure and strain has never been so high.”

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