华盛顿 & det365app Welcomes Class of 2017

Created: April 10, 2014  |  Last Updated: December 17, 2019  |  Category:   |标签:

华盛顿的爸爸. (8月. 30, 2013)—Incoming new students, 包括新生, international exchange students and transfers, officially became part of the W&J campus community this afternoon at the annual Matriculation ceremony.

New students were welcomed by Alton Newell, W&J’s vice president for enrollment. Students introduced themselves, signed the mission statement of the College, and received a W&J lapel pin indicating their lifetime membership in the distinguished community of scholars who have matriculated at 华盛顿 & det365app. As is tradition, during the recessional, students walked over the W&J seal set in the floor of the Old Main lobby.

President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., welcomed the students, encouraging them to work hard to get the most out of their time at W&J.

“Your education will grow in value the more effort that you put into it. We will provide you with a dedicated faculty who want you to succeed, support services that are designed to help and challenge you, a world of information and ideas at your fingertips. The College will let you know what you need to do to master a subject or a skill. But you must get engaged and work hard in order to achieve that mastery yourself. Yes, you will receive a syllabus with reading assignments and paper deadlines and testing dates. But YOU will have to do the work.”

Convocation on Monday, September 2, formally opens the new academic year for all students.

“Convocation is an essential part of the opening of school. After spending the summer working, 出国旅行, 度假, and with our families and friends, we come together again to mark the beginning of the school year,哈林-史密斯说. “这时, it is important to reflect upon the history, 传统, and values of our community, 是什么让W&J different from other places we might all work or study.”

在仪式上, the bell in Old Main will ring for what is normally the only time throughout the year.
