What Draws Students to W&J

Created: August 24, 2019  |  Last Updated: September 1, 2020  |  Category: ,   |标签: ,

Storytelling is a driver for today’s Generation Z students.

“All of these colleges are starting to sound alike. We have to be able to speak to how we stand out and what that means for the student.”

- nicole focareto

华盛顿 provides a close-knit community near big city opportunities.

“Pittsburgh is a small city with a big heart; W&J naturally fits into that. Pittsburgh is always being named top of, or best destination, or number one. det365app有成千上万的W&J alumni in the Pittsburgh area working for large national and global companies.”


Programs draw students to campus, faculty keep them engaged.

“Part of the reason why students are selecting W&J is the small classroom size. But I think part of the reason that students stay is because of the connection they have with their faculty. Whenever there is an experiential learning component in a course, anything that is extra in sort of a social setting, those are the memorable moments for the students.”

- nicole focareto

在W&J, students not only find the tools they need to achieve their goals, but also a community who supports them.

“It’s so important for today’s student to feel like they belong, feel like they are accepted, and really feel like it’s okay to think differently. W&J is a place where students are free to think and free to be who they want to be even if they are still figuring it out.”

- nicole focareto

校友 know that the community support doesn’t end with your time on campus.

“What the campus does is it allows you to build that network and to build those sorts of foundational friendships and relationships. It’s a much bigger community once you graduate. I like being part of that community.”


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