W&J Professor Releases Jazz Album, “Something In Between”

Created: October 7, 2016  |  Last Updated: October 4, 2021  |  Category:   |标签:

华盛顿,宾夕法尼亚州(10月. 2016年5月5日-华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) Assistant Professor of Music 凯尔·辛普森 is the artist behind “Something In Between,” a jazz album released this month by the 凯尔·辛普森 Jazz Collective.

This is Simpson’s first professional studio album. It features his original compositions, written in a ten-year period from 2005-2015, as well as his arrangement of Robert Schumann’s art-song, “可爱的五月."

Simpson said several artists influenced his personal style over the years, 包括Steve Reich, 玛丽亚施耐德, 伊戈尔斯特拉文斯基, 还有帕特·迈瑟尼, that listeners can find traces of their influence in his music.

“I wanted the album to express my musical language, which I feel is something in between jazz and contemporary classical music,他说. “Some might think it a bit of a stretch to find those artists' influence on the album, 但我相信它在那里, in different ways throughout the album."

“Something In Between” features some of the most celebrated artists in Pittsburgh, including W&J adjunct music faculty George Heid III on drums and Tim Brutscher on trumpet.  Other Pittsburgh-area artists on the album are Paul Thompson (bass), 托尼·德保罗斯(贝斯), 雷吉·沃特金斯(长号), 埃米特·古德(长号), John Petrucelli (saxophones), JD Chaisson(小号), Joe Badaczewski (trumpet), as well as New York-based saxophonist Jacob Teichroew.

Simpson received assistance from the 1970 Fund for 教师 Research and the Mason Summer Grant, 都是W提供的&J,制作专辑.

“I am entirely grateful to W&J for supporting me to make this project come to fruition,” Simpson said. “It represents a decade of my original compositions. Something in Between is both sides of my musical career, the jazz and the classical music.”

“Something In Between” is available on CDbaby.com, iTunes, 亚马逊. A preview is also available on YouTube.


凯尔·辛普森, 作曲家, 小号演奏家, 和领队, is a graduate of Lawrence Conservatory of Music in Appleton, 威斯康星州. and The University of Montana in Missoula, Mont. Simpson has written for large jazz groups, 室内爵士乐队, 小号独奏, 电子音乐, 管弦乐队, 还有管弦乐合奏. His compositions have been featured at the Buddy DeFranco Jazz Festival in Missoula, where he also performed with Lew Soloff and Paquito D'Rivera. Other compositions have been featured at The Henry Mancini Institute--Los Angeles (2006), Fête de la Musique Ile d'Yeu--France(2011), Uzmah Upbeat---Croatia (2014), Charlotte New Music Festival—Charlotte, NC (2013), Ostrava Days--Czech Republic (2011). In 2007, Simpson went on tour with the Glenn Miller Orchestra playing section and 小号独奏. He also received ASCAP’s “Composer to Watch” award in 2011 for his work at the NYU/ASCAP Film Scoring Workshop. He is currently in the DMA program in composition at West Virginia University.

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