W&J professor teaches courses at Prague University through 富布赖特 grant

Created: 7月y 27, 2017  |  Last Updated: October 19, 2021  |  Category:   |标签: ,

WASHINGTON PA (7月y 27, 2017) - In a classroom separated from 华盛顿 & 杰佛逊学院&J) by thousands of miles and an entire ocean, associate professor of English Jennifer Harding, Ph.D.,发现学生在 查尔斯大学 in Prague, Czech Republic, seemed surprisingly familiar.

“My students all spoke excellent English. I felt they were all on par with W&我的学生. That part felt very successful because it carried over from what I do 在这里 and what I’ve done 在这里 for a long time,”她说。.

哈丁赢了。 富布赖特 由美国授予.S. State Department to teach two classes at 查尔斯大学 in Prague during spring 2017. 虽然, she gave seven guest lectures at different universities throughout the country and lectured at the American Embassy in Prague.

Harding and her family embarked on their 富布赖特 二月冒险. At 查尔斯大学 she led discussion-based graduate and undergraduate courses for English-speaking students from countries throughout the European Union that focused on cultural differences in language and customs as portrayed in literature. A study of William Faulkner’s 当我奄奄一息 led to conversation about cultural norms around death and dying, while examining Octavia Butler’s 撒种的比喻 brought on discussion about why walls exist and treatment of those thought to be “other.”

“We all learned a lot from the Czech students because that was the culture that all of us who were from other countries…were t在这里 to learn about. So a lot of our discussions did come back to Prague and Czech culture, because that was our common ground,”她说。.

Harding also was able to connect with 希瑟画家' 13 海外. Painter, also a 富布赖特 recipient, was completing her project in Vienna. Harding said she enjoyed learning about the work Painter was doing, and forming relationships with other 富布赖特 scholars who were teaching in the Czech Republic.

Her experience made her eager to promote W&J’s connections with Prague and encourage students to apply for 富布赖特 grants.

“I hope by having this connection with Prague, I’ll be able to maintain that connection in ways that help W&J, whether it’s by bringing a class t在这里 or helping students who want to do Magellan 项目 in the country,”她说。.

In addition to her semester in Prague, Harding published her first book, wrote the feature article for the May issue of British literary magazine 巴别塔, and will have a chapter featured in an upcoming MLA teaching series publication. Read more on Harding’s accomplishments 在这里.

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